Lose weight tips without dieting

10 small steps to lose weight without dieting.

I continue the wellness theme on my site. And today I’m going to share with you weight loss tips, which can help you to achieve your weight goals and, as a result, improve your health and immune system. So, let’s get started with 10 steps to lose weight without dieting:

     1. Do not starve

You should not starve yourself. Our sensitive body immediately reacts to the lack of necessary calories by inhibiting metabolism and the accumulation of fat. Just take a reasonable approach to your eating habits.

     2. One glass of water

Before eating (for 20 minutes), be sure to drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Water will reduce the feeling of hunger and, as a result, you will eat less.

     3. Broth or soup

For lunch or dinner, be sure to prepare broth or light vegetable soup for yourself.

     4. Favorite or healthy food?

Feed by the rule “10 over 90”. Favorite food in your daily diet should be 10%, and healthy – 90%. 10. It is quite difficult for real sweet teeth to live without sweets. It is better to satisfy your needs with fruits or vegetables. It is quite a small amount of fat and calories in the hot cocoa.

      5. Eat 3-5 times a day

Dietologysts sat that it is better to eat often, but little by little. It is true, but the main thing is what to eat. It is best to use fruits and vegetables for “snacks”, because even 50 grams of oatmeal “healthy” bar with raisins and nuts contains 15 grams of fat and 280 kcal. So, stay with fruits and veggies.

Lose weight without dieting

      6. Use small plates

Teach yourself to eat from small plates, more like a saucer, and do not eat more than such a container can fit.

      7. Replace

Replace anything that can be replaced. For example, instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich, use mustard, fatty calorie cheese – for cheese with a minimum content of fat, twisting minced meat for cutlets, half of the meat replace with mashed mushroom or beans.

      8. Pay yourself

Don’t forget about physical exercises. Even basic squatting or jumping over the rope, if you do it regularly, will bring you valuable results. Think about a benefit system for yourself. For example, for every 10 minutes of walking or jumping you have done, throw a coin in your piggy bank. Set yourself a task to buy some jewelry or a beautiful swimsuit from the money accumulated in this way. If you do not perform the exercises, fine yourself by taking a coin out of the moneybox.

      9. Physical activities

If you are not “friends” with sports, think of an activity that can provide you with the necessary physical activity. At least just forget about the existence of the elevator in your house and go up the stairs. Setup a small walking time in your calendar and go out.

mental power for weight loss

      10. Use Mental power

Use the technique of self-improvement and visualization. When falling asleep, be sure to imagine yourself slim and tucked in.

So, I described my own 10 steps to lose weight naturally and without dieting. What are your favorite loss weight tips?  Please share them in the comments.

10 tips to lose weight and create a new habit.

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