Jeans and Denim shirt Kiton Spring 2021 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show

How to wear Jeans in 2021.

I wondered what kind of jeans should I buy for the next coming season (or seasons) to look fashionable and fab? What to buy and where? How to wear jeans which I already have and how to style them? What kind of jeans should I steel keep in my closet and which do to select for Goodwill and charity? What to wear and what to do with all those jeans in my closet to look fab and trendy?

Questions, questions, questions… Do these sound familiar to you?

I checked a lot of Spring-Summer and Fall-Winter Ready-to-Wear fashion shows 2021 for discovering the major jeans trends for 2021.

And jeans trends 2021 are…

They might have different colors and lengths, but they all should be High Waisted. Mom Jeans and slouchy, Bermudas and classic – it’s your choice. Just go and choose any from them. But only with a high waist, please!

So, you should say “Good buy” to your skinny and low rise jeans, and “Hello” to Mom jeans. That means you should check your wardrobe and bring up all high-waisted jeans which you’ve already have.

As always, I’m posting pictures from runways and fashion shows to give you ideas on how to style those modern and trendy jeans in 2021.

Valentino, Celine, Etro, Giambattista Valli, Chanel, Elisabetta Franchi, Lafayette… all of them have selected jeans and denim for their fashion ideas.

How to wear and how to style jeans in 2021.

Tap on or Swipe to check jeans ideas >>

Nili Lotan Spring 2021 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show
Nili Lotan Spring 2021 Ready-to-Wear Fashion Show


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